The Failure of the Green Party
Daniel Priestley - Writer and Editor The Green Party has in the past been known first and foremost as the party of the environment. It was founded in 1990, but it’s roots can be traced 1970s and the PEOPLE Party, which went on to be renamed the Ecology Party. In 1976 the party won its first political representation in the form of a councillor and went on to win two seats in the European Parliament in 1999. The party has struggled to gain seats in Westminster due to the first past the post voting system and benefits instead from a proportional representation system due to its limited, yet widespread support. Arguably in General Elections, a vote for the Green Party is more of a vote to send a message to the government that there should be an increased emphasis on environmental preservation rather than a legitimate attempt to elect a Green Party MP. Since the beginning of the Green Party, it’s policies have always been left leaning and environment focused. However, since the rise o...